
Baby Ashton Kate's 2 Month Update!

 (really 2.5mo-from Jan.9th appt)
Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz. (51%)
Height: 22.5in (34%)
To our adorable little Ashton Kate,
You have been the perfect addition to our family! You melt our hearts on a daily basis with your sweet disposition! We can hardly remember what life was like before you entered our world. We are completely in love with you and totally smitten over your cuteness! Really, you are just precious! Your sisters equally adore you and want to hold you all the time. We have to remind them that when you're crying might not be the best time to smother you. =) You are a patient little one and for that we are so thankful. You hardly ever cry out to eat even if we are running behind schedule. You are such a joy to our lives and your daddy and I fight to get to have some special alone time holding you! You are so peaceful and content 99.9% of the time so any time we spend with you is such sweet time! We praise God for His immeasureable grace in blessing us with our third daughter. You are a true joy to us sweet girl! We cannot wait to see your little personality continue to blossom and to see what will characterize who you are! We hope and pray for your heart to know Christ and we pray God grants us great grace to love you and point you to Him each and every day! We love you baby Ashton Kate! You're growing way too fast for our liking! Slow down so we can savor each milestone in your life! We love you so much!
Love, Mommy & Daddy

Here are a few milestones for this second month of your life: (from 1-2 months old)
-7 feedings-usually going one 4-4.5 hr stretch at night but at 6 wks we had our first night of a 6 hr stretch- you went from 10pm to 4am and what a treat that was for mommy!!
-Fussy/uncomfortable nursing stretch for a week but that appeared to pass once mommy figured out you were crying because you were full and she didn't need to keep trying to feed you more!
-You rolled from  your tummy to your side and back for the first time on Dec.1st-probably a fluke but have to record it because I guess it's still a first =)
-Seemed to laugh for the first time at 5 wks
-You are so intent when listening to mommy sing nursery rhymes and will follow hand motions up and down and to the side when mommy does the Itsy Bitsy spider. =)
-Beginning to make noises at 5.5 wks
-Really kicking your legs and starting to enjoy your play mat at 6 wks
-Slept from 10-4 again on Dec. 11th  (6wks) and mommy still woke you up (probably should let you sleep but just worried a little =)
-Moved to size one diapers at 5.5wks
-At 7 wks normal schedule is nurse every 3 hrs during the day and usually go 5 hr stretch and 3.5-4 hr stretch
-Went nearly 7 hrs between feedings at 7 wks old
-First stuffy nose =( 7 wks
-Rolled over twice from tummy to back!! Dec 21-7.5 wks-the day we moved into our new house
-Moved into your new house-Dec. 20-21st
-Celebrated your 1st Christmas :)
-Talking, smiling, and cooing a ton-7-8 wks and it is beyond precious!!
-1st bath-New Years Eve night and loved it! You were all smiles and kept kicking your legs and splashing!

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